It’s our birthday!
Can you believe it?! A whole year ago today I sat down at this very desk here and started officially working for Paragon Sales Solutions – and what a year it has been.
As many of you may know, Paragon was only set up really for me. Coming away from full time employment, Paragon was intended to become my next job – a solo venture with clients that I myself could look after. However very quickly, it soon became apparent that there was a massive need for what we were offering. Along came Abby and Emily whom are by far some of the best telesales operators I have ever known – they are professional, friendly and so driven! This has allowed us to truly up our client base and to offer services that are fairly unrivaled.
This year has offered a massive learning curve. You can prepare to start a business; you can read books, you can watch videos and you can even attend courses. But nothing beats jumping in head first and learning on the move. It truly is the best way.
So, what are the next steps for Paragon? Well – we are going to keep on doing what we do best. That is, generating solid sales results for our clients and to help them achieve all they deserve. We are a performance based business and we will always work tirelessly to ensure we get the most for them. I really want to ramp up our telemarketing services which will allow us to be more dynamic and will ensure our customer’s experience is second to none. I will be looking at more ways to ensure that paragon is a fun place to work with plenty of benefits for doing so. All in all, the next two or so years will be crucial to our growth and as you have probably seen already, we will continue to invest in our ways of working, our methods and our systems.
I cannot end this by not saying thank you to YOU! Without support from people like you we would not be where we are today. Even the simple things add up; liking our Facebook posts, subscribing to our Youtube channel and commenting on our Insta pics means a massive amount to us and helps us to continue our brand growth.
If you want to find out more about how we can help you and your business to grow through sales please do be sure to get in touch! And the same applies if you are an individual who needs sales training – leave a comment or drop me an email and I will be sure to come back to you.

Paragon Sales Solutions are Leicester’s leading sales consultants, offering:
– Sales Contracts
– Sales Training
– Social Media Management
– B2B Telesales / Telemarketing
We cater for any size business, and what makes us stand out is that we truly care. Our services can be catered for your business and our sales professionals will work tirelessly to ensure your sales targets are met. Be sure to visit our website for more details on how our sales solutions can help your business.