We spend a lot of time at work – perhaps more time than we would like to admit. And for that reason alone we want to be able to go to an office or place or work that has a good atmosphere, and feels like a great place to work in.
If we look at some of the most successful companies in the world, one of the reoccurring factors we see is that the employees seem happier. This then allows happier employees to be more motivated, productive and even more creative, so there is a massive positive impact on customer interactions, but there is another benefit too. A happy workplace means that your staff and your team will want to stay with the company for longer; thus ensuring your staff turnover is reduced, which then of course means lower costs and stress!
Of course, you cannot just click your fingers and hope for a good atmosphere in the office. A good atmosphere takes time, patience and is a long-term feeling. However, in this article we want to share with you our top five tips to help encourage and cultivate a good atmosphere in the office.
Offer Natural Lighting and a Clean Space
There is a strong connection between natural light in the workplace and the employees’ quality of sleep and their energy. In studies put out by Northwestern University found that those exposed to more natural white light were able to sleep an extra 46 minutes every night – which of course led to better productivity.
And alongside this, try to offer décor within your office that is light and clean. No-one wants unnecessary clutter surrounding them, and no-one wants to stare at walls of decaying and peeling paint. Invest a little in the office and the office will invest in you.
Allow Desk Personalisation
As mentioned at the start of this article, we spend a lot of times at work, and at our desks. And ultimately, we all work differently and want to put across our own personality where possible. Allowing your team to personalise their desk and work space will allow them to feel valued and will give your team the chance to put their touch on the office.
Equip the Office with Recreational Areas
Gone are the days of workers grinding for 12-hour days and producing standard work. We now recognise that team members work better and more effectively when able to take a step back from work and given the chance to refresh and restart. Simple areas of recreation will give your team the chance to quickly unwind. Anything from games consoles, pool tables or dance mats will keep your team members entertained.
Keep the Doors Open
One of the most negative feelings a team member can have at work is the feeling of being undervalued, and not being listened to. When there is transparency between the managers and workers it allows less conflict to occur and can encourage much more open and creative thinking. Try to keep doors physically open and allow everyone in the office to have their say and to help come up with ideas; and reward those that do make a difference.
Schedule Fun!
Sure, work is fun. But play is better!You need to ensure you get your team away from the office and to embark on fun activities that will leave lasting memories, allow your team to unwind and will also bring your team closer together in an environment that allows them to break down any normal barriers or walls.

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