They say that every household should possess a copy of the Bible, and I would like to extend that out to Jeffrey Gitomer’s The Sales Bible.
For those of you whom have never come across Jeffrey Gitomer then allow me to introduce him to you in my own words.
Gitomer is a very famous, lovable sales trainer and speaker from the US. What I personally love about Gitomer’s approach to sales is that he doesn’t believe in all this ‘hardcore closer’ nonsense, or the need to push clients to make any decisions. Gitomer believers that sales, and profitable sales, will come from you as a sales person being a good person, and also by delivering quality customer satisfaction time after time; things that the whole team here at Paragon believe in too!
The Sales Bible really takes on Gitomer’s whole approach to sales and shares it all with you, the avid reader.
This is quite a lengthy book; not only is it large, it sits at around 342 pages. However, Gitomer’s writing style and the way the book is laid out truly allows you to get engrossed into the book without it feeling like a chore.
The Sales Bible offers the proven methods and techniques that lead to bigger sales and more loyal customers. This book is full of practical, hands-on information that offers everything salespeople need to improve their results immediately.
To watch the Vlog, click HERE!
Paragon Sales Solutions are Leicester’s leading sales consultants, offering:
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